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Kansas State University
K-State Digital Collections
Fungal Genetics Stock Center
Cryptococcus neoformans
Use drop down list or use the search. If you cannot find something here, try the catalog.
FGSC 9487
FGSC 10368
FGSC 10369
FGSC 10370
FGSC 10415
FGSC 10416
FGSC 10417
FGSC 10418
FGSC 10419
FGSC 10420
FGSC 10421
FGSC 10422
FGSC 10423
FGSC 10424
FGSC 10425
FGSC 10426
FGSC 10427
FGSC 10428
FGSC 10993
Select Strain: