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Kansas State University
K-State Digital Collections
Fungal Genetics Stock Center
Ascobolus stercorarius
Use drop down list or use the search. If you cannot find something here, try the catalog.
FGSC 7799
FGSC 7800
FGSC 7801
FGSC 7802
FGSC 7803
FGSC 7804
FGSC 7805
FGSC 7806
FGSC 7807
FGSC 7808
FGSC 7809
FGSC 7810
FGSC 7811
FGSC 7812
FGSC 7813
FGSC 7814
FGSC 7815
FGSC 7816
FGSC 7817
FGSC 7818
FGSC 7819
FGSC 7820
FGSC 7821
FGSC 7822
FGSC 9915
FGSC 9916
Select Strain: